
YODA PLC is a public limited liability company listed on the Cyprus Stock Exchange.

The Company manages a diverse investment portfolio across different geographic locations, industries, strategies and lifecycles, including but not limited to, real estate, technology, shipping, and healthcare. YODA’s investment objective is to provide shareholders with capital appreciation and distributions, as approved by the Board of Directors in its judgment and discretion.

Key competitive advantages

Proven track record

Led by a team of professionals with a record of success in real estate investment and development, and particular expertise in increasing the value of underperforming or undervalued assets, the Group is strategically positioned to capitalize on market dislocations and arbitrage opportunities, with the aim to generate returns for shareholders.


The Company invests in a diverse portfolio, which includes:

Single assets, portfolios, companies, joint ventures, equity and debt instruments.

Different industries and sectors, including real estate, technology, shipping, and healthcare.

Various countries and geographic locations.

Active Ownership

The management team aims to actively contribute to the advancement of the portfolio companies in which they invest. Recognizing that value can be generated through the capacity to shape a company’s strategy, execution, exit timing, and process, YODA PLC offers valuable input in areas such as deal and industry experience, project management and planning capabilities, and insights into corporate finance.

Company Timeline






Company Timeline



Expansion of control in Cyprus and Greece hotels. Expansion in shipping. Additional investments in shipping, tech and further participation in real estate development projects.


Additional expansion in hotels in Greece and Cyprus. New investments in tech and participations in real estate development projects. The Company is listed on Cyprus Stock Exchange Companies Market.



Acquisition of VYP Group Ltd, strengthening the Group's position in the sector of Greek Real Estate.


Acquisition of controlling stake in Mediterranean hospitality venture PLC (MHV) through Ascetico Limited, establishing the Group's presence in Cyprus and Greece Hospitality sector.

Acquisition of Sea Velvet Holding S.A. and consolidation of Freeway Success S.A. by Papajust Investments Limited, enhancing the Group's position in the shipping sector.


Acquisition of Papacamp Investments Limited and Bakaso Holdings Limited, adding to the Group's portfolio high value proterties in Mykonos, Greece.


Issuance of €100 million secured bonds to One Investments Holdings (UK). Limited increasing the ability to facilitate future investments.


Equity raise of €105.8 million, strengthening the Group's capitalization structure.


Acquisition of CPLP shares, establishing the company presence in the shipping and energy sector.



Sale of Mediterranean Hospitality Venture PLC (MHV), realizing the value created over the past years.


Invested in the largest REIT in Greece.

Strengthened our position in shipping by and additional investment of €70 million.


Completed another equity round of 50 million shares at €0.70.


Declaration of interim Dividend of €40 million (€2.16 cents per share), representing a return of 3% on current market price.