Xtrodes has pioneered the development of the world’s first wireless Smart Skin, featuring an ultra-soft, dry, multi-electrode patch network system. Its patented technology, driven by signal processing and machine learning methodologies, enables objective monitoring optimized for everyday activities in any environment. The bio-convergence company aims to lead a revolution by transitioning electrophysiology from clinical settings to daily life, enhancing the quality of life through perfected wearable technology for advanced electrophysiological measurement and analytics.
The Xtrodes methodology relies on innovative flexible sensors, a miniaturized high-end, low-noise Bluetooth amplifier, and cloud-based artificial intelligence analysis. This analysis is easily accessible via PC, tablet, or smartphone through a user-friendly application programming interface, simplifying the entire data analysis and visualization process for maximum convenience. All data is seamlessly transferred from the amplifier to cloud storage, ensuring the highest standards for cybersecurity and compliance with data protection regulations.